Wet Year Continues for Northern Locations: November has turned wetter than normal, a partial relief for much of Minnesota where drought has mostly prevailed. But at some northern Minnesota climate stations 2022 has been a wet year throughout. Places like International Falls, Grand Portage, Tower, and Wolf Ridge ELC have already seen over 10 inches of snow this month and continue to have above normal precipitation totals for the year. Grand Portage with a total of 35.89 inches and Tower with a total of 35.75 inches for 2022 a re racking up a top ten wettest year historically. Further, Wolf Ridge ELC with 39.41 inches and International Falls with 33.71 inches in 2022 already rank among the five wettest years in history. Weekly Weather Potpourri: During this month where Seasonal Affected Disorder materializes for many citizens due to short days, cloudy skies, and cold temperatures, there is an interesting article provided by the BBC Weather Center about the overall effects of weathe