Preliminary May Climate Summary With about an equal number of warmer than normal and cooler than normal days during the month, most climate stations reported a mean monthly temperature for May that was very close to normal. Extremes ranged from 95°F at Granite Falls (Yellow Medicine County) on the 1st to just 16°F at Brimson (St Louis County) on the 11th. Some daily maximum and minimum records were set with the erratic temperature behavior during the month. Thirty climate stations reported setting new daily high maximum temperatures (mostly in the 80s and 90s F). Rochester reported its highest May 1st temperature in history (128 years) with a reading of 91°F. Conversely over 60 climate stations reported setting new daily record cold minimum temperature readings during the month, including 22°F at International Falls on the 6th, 25°F at Zumbrota on the 11th, and 19°F at Cotton on the 28th. The majority of the record minimum temperatures were set on May 28th (see below). Total rai