The Remarkable Climate of December 2023: December of 2023 will forever standout in Minnesota climate history, even if its’ climate signature is only a precursor for what climate change has in store for us. In both temperature and precipitation measurements this December is a singularity in our state’s climate history. The average statewide mean temperature for the month will be around 29.5°F, that is well beyond the previous warmest December (24.8°F in 2015). Most climate stations will report a mean monthly temperature that is 10°F to 14°F above normal. Many areas of the state reported several days with 50°F or higher temperatures, and several reported 60°F or greater. The month brought the warmest Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in state history in terms of both maximum and minimum temperatures, as well as record high dew points in the 50s F. Within the statewide climate observing network, there were over 170 daily record high maximum temperature records and over 240 daily high