Coldest Temperatures of the Fall Came this Week: Many communities around the state reported the coldest temperatures of the Fall Season during this week, especially on November 25-26. Scores of climate stations reported morning lows in the single digits. Fourteen climate stations in northern counties reported subzero low temperatures, including -5°F at International Falls, Warroad, and Warren, as well as -4°F at Kabetogama, Orr, and Hibbing. Furthermore, on some days this week the afternoon high temperatures remained in the teens and twenties. With moderate winds many areas reported subzero Wind Chill readings this week, including -16°F at Warroad. The colder temperatures have promoted more surface ice formation on area lakes and shallow soil temperatures have dropped into the low 30s F. As a result, future storm systems that pass across Minnesota are more likely to deposit snow that will cover the ground and last longer. Weekly Weather Potpourri: In this week’s AGU-EOS Bulletin ...